The Green Bay Blue Ribbons Baseball Club, Inc Board of Directors have adopted the following as requirements for games played at Joannes Stadium for the 2020 Season. These requirements may be updated periodically during the season with the approval of the Board of Directors.

These requirements are split into three parts: ‘Field of Play’, ‘Fan Side’, and ‘Staff’. The Field of Play is not limited to the area inside of the fence but is instead, directed at the players, coaches and officials. Field of Play requirements shall also apply to any staff or director interacting with the players, coaches and officials in official team business. The Fan Side includes those boosters and visitors who have entered the stadium at their own personal discretion. This includes players not on the lineup, family of players, family of staff and any visitors for any reason. Staff shall include any Board Member, staff or volunteers at the game in an official capacity.

‘Sick’ as used below means tested positive for COVID-19
Having symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19

Field of Play…
Prior to opening of each game/practice, players/coaches/staff from both teams and officials will be reminded of the following guidelines in place for the Joannes Field of Play:

  1. Waiver of Liability required of all Ribbons players and coaches prior to play
  2. If you have a fever, are sick, caring for or in extended close contact to someone who is sick you must leave immediately and self-quarantine from Ribbon activities
    a. Individual must leave the fenced area of Joannes Stadium
  3. Social Distancing with 6 foot of separation is encouraged whenever possible
    a. Self-imposed in the dugout
    b. Seats are reserved behind the dugout (visitors’ dugout also)
    c. Sitting along the line is allowed (with officials’ approval), bring your own chair
    d. If you leave the field of play, social distancing is required (household exempted)
  4. Nose & Mouth covering face mask is recommended when social distancing is not possible
    a. May not be worn while actively playing or practicing
    b. Face masks will NOT be provided by the Ribbons
  5. You may use your own helmet (must be approved by manager/officials)
  6. Team gear including helmets may remain available to players/coaches
    a. Sanitation supplies will be available from the Ribbons
    b. Sanitation is solely the user’s responsibility
  7. Hydration
    a. Dugout water jug and cups will not be available
    b. Players, coaches, officials may bring their own beverages to field of play (no glass)
    c. Water will be available at concessions (reduced price for players and coaches / free for officials)
    d. Hydration drinks will be available at concessions
  8. Reasonable occupancy allowed on the field of play
  9. Spitting or activities that can result in spitting (seeds, bubble gum) are strongly discouraged

Fan Side…

  1. Gate
    a. Staffed and operated
    b. Signage with guidelines provided at entrance and all attendees asked to acknowledge the guidelines in exchange for entry
    c. All entering will be asked if they are sick, caring for someone who is sick or have been in extended close contact with someone who is sick. Those answering affirmative will be asked to remain outside of the stadium.
    d. Credit cards encouraged; no convenience fee charged
    e. Maximum occupancy will be posted at the gate and updated as needed
    f. No season passes will be sold
    g. Gate will open early to allow for picnicking
  2. Carry In of food and bottled water will be allowed
  3. No retail beverage carry-in allowed
    ***Single serve retail cups (McDonalds/Arbys/Culvers) will be allowed
  4. Coolers will be checked
  5. No glass containers
    h. Nose & Mouth covering face mask is recommended when social distancing is not possible
  6. Face masks will NOT be provided by the Ribbons
  7. Concessions
    a. Pre-packaged food (may include microwaveable) and beverage (no draft beer) only
    b. Credit cards encouraged; no convenience fee charged
    c. Condiments will be packaged unless AHJ guidelines allow self-serve
    d. Counters and touch points will be sanitized regularly throughout the game
    e. Sanitation station will be available for self-serve sanitation
  8. Restrooms
    a. Will be open and signed to encourage less than 3 people (or more from same family) at a time
    b. Will be cleaned before game
  9. Stands
    a. Sanitation stations will be provided at seating and bleacher entries for self-serve sanitation
    b. Ribbons will not sanitize seating areas before, after or during games
    c. Social distancing will be encouraged but will not be enforced by the Ribbons
    d. Anyone abusing the opportunity for others will be asked to leave the stadium and given a refund

As staff arrive for their responsibilities, they will be reminded of the following guidelines in place for

  1. If you have a fever, are sick, caring for or in extended close contact to someone who is sick you must leave immediately and self-quarantine from Ribbon activities.
    a. Individual must leave the fenced area of Joannes Stadium
  2. Waiver of Liability required by all game staff before assuming responsibility for any assigned function
  3. Social distancing will be encouraged, and all areas of responsibility will be configured to provide for social distancing
  4. Nose & Mouth covering face mask is recommended when social distancing is not possible
    a. Face masks will NOT be provided by the Ribbons
  5. Staff are encouraged to wash their hands or utilize provided sanitation stations regularly throughout the game.